A childcare lawyer understands these transactions are complex and time intensive, given the level of industry regulation. They are not straight forward like the sale and purchase of other types of businesses.
Rachel Clarke Legal is a childcare lawyer specialist with the skills and many years of experience to advise you on the legal and regulatory requirements and can advise you on all areas of your sale and purchase.
Specialist guidance and the right advice will make the sale or purchase of your childcare centre streamlined. You can have confidence knowing the transaction will be handled with the skill and solid understanding of the industry.
We also advise clients in respect of development sites intended to be leased as childcare centres and the documentation, including Deeds of Agreement to Lease and Leases.
We also prepare Leases on behalf of landlords who own the freehold property on which a childcare & early education centre business operates.
Rachel Clarke Legal has close working relationships and can recommend accountants who have specialist knowledge of the childcare industry, selling agents and brokers who can help you sell or purchase a centre as well as childcare consultants who can assist with the ongoing regulatory requirements needed to build your business after you have purchased a centre.
Childcare & Early Education Centres
Rachel Clarke Legal gives advice on a range of services, including:
- Sale and Purchase of Childcare & Early Education Centres, in all States and Territories of Australia
- Leases of Childcare & Early Education Centres
- Sale and Purchase of Freehold Property on which Childcare & Early Education Centres operate
- Development sites intended to be used and leased out as Childcare & Early Education Centres